Saturday, November 04, 2006

This and That

Hello all! I know it's been a while, just about a month. I was a little bored maybe since the past drama I guess. Which is good for me personally, but boring reading for my blog. Not that alot of people read my blog (Thanks Jenn and George!) Things have been ok I guess for the past couple of weeks. Been busy at work, which keeps me out of trouble. Still playing volleyball 2-3 times a week. Hosted a mini-dinner party for Mike, me, Mel, Zenon and baby Ben. I even blew off volleyball for it. Nice me huh?!?! It was so much fun too. I made Lasagna and garlic toast and caesar salad. It all went over well. Although Mel and Zenon had to eat in shifts. One watches Ben and then the other eats. Zenon got the first eating shift the lucky bastard. I don't mean to toot my own horn but there were some lovely sounding yummy noises that were very much appreciated. And Mel made the most amazing thing for dessert. It's like a chocolate chip cookie cake. AWESOME! It really was a chocolate chip cookie the size of a cake, and it was sooooo good. I still drool as I think about it, and this was a couple of weeks ago now. So we decided to do this like once a month and make an evening out of it. One couple makes the dinner and the other makes the dessert. Who ever makes the dinner hosts it at their place. IT was funny cause Zenon and Mel are Coke drinkers and Mike and I are not. So when I went to go and get all the stuff for the makings I bought a two litre of Coke, then when Mike came home he had a two litre of it too, and then when they came over they had a two litre as well. Too funny and of course they didn't take it with them so we had 3 two litres of Coke in the apartment. We still have a litre left. I find Coke gives me chest pains. Strange. Then after dinner we played a half version of Trivial Pursuit. Instead of using the board, which takes forever and a day, we just asked eachother questions and whoever answered 20 right first wins. I WON!!! NEENER NEENER NEENER!!!!! I rule all!! In fact I got an email that stated that fact nicely the other day. You input your name and it tells you what you were destined to be. And mine was a nice confirmation of what I have always known, I am supposed to be emperor of all the world!!! Want to know what you are supposed to be, leave a comment with your first and last name and I will tell you what you are supposed to be. This will be fun.
Volleyball has been up and down, we have been playing well just not well enough to win. The team cohesion is wearing down. And it never helps that we seem to be playing with different people every time. We need to win our next two games or we will move down to the last tier - AGAIN! I don't want to do that. Lorne finally joined our team, which is nice to add some depth and height to our team. We should be able to win this game tomorrow. We play at 11 AM though. That sucks. Plus tonite I am in an all night volleyball social tournament. I don't really know how it works but hopefully it will be fun. I think it will. But I won't be drinking I don't think, not if I have to play the next morning. Then after the Sunday league game I will play again at 5:30 with the same group in the social tournament. It's fun! I just dyed my hair.... I can't tell what it looks like yet though cause it's still wet. I am getting antsy though, I may have go and take a peek ......................still to hard to tell it just looks wet-dark. I could blow dry it but that just takes away from the excitement! I can wait ........ can you? You can't??? Are you sure??? Alright then I shall go and look just for you then . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DAMMIT! It's just dark :( I wanted Auburn not chocolate! This is very disappointing! :( Well at least the grays are gone! That's a glass half full outlook I guess I can try out. Not to mention how nice my hair smells....sniff. I love that smell. And the new body soap I bought smells really good too, I smell like a perfume counter. I kinda like it though. Well I am off now, I got laundry to do and other boring monotonous crap.


Anonymous said...

Good rant length but a little quiet on the news meter.

Anonymous said...

I believe I covered that in my blog entry. Don't you want to know your dream job based on your name????????

Jenn said...

Hey.. finally blogger is letting me post a comment. You are one busy bee. I want to know my dream job so here is my name (incase you dont know.. tee hee) Jennifer Nagam

Sorry you dont like your hair. You and I already talked about this but my hair sucks ass!! I cant wait to be blonde again. Hopefully you can "fix" yours to what you want. Let me know what my dream job is.

J-BOMB! said...

My hair is getting better the more I wash it though. It starting to lighten a bit, which is fine. I need it cut so bad it isn't funny though. I think I can afford it on this paycheck YAY! Ok here you go you ready

Jennifer Nagam = Professional Hippy

Jenn said...

Nice man...