Thursday, August 31, 2006

Moving Sucks the Big One!

Ok so it is the end of the month and finally last night at 10pm I finished the last of the moving tasks that needed to be done. We have been cleaning and emptying that eff'n apartment for a week and a half now. And I am beat! My arms and shoulders are killing me, I need a good kneading to get rid of the knots in my shoulders from the washing of walls and floors. Not to mention the need to get rid of the fume headache from the oven cleaner. Even the fume free shyte has side effects. Oh and some industrial strength pain relievers from the fighting would be nice too. I really wish that we had a third party there, then the tension wouldn't be so bad. It didn't matter what I did, I just did it wrong it seemed. And anytime I thought I had a better idea it wasn't worth his time. Very annoying. And then he would get pissed because I had volleyball on some nights. But I helped when I was done. It's not like I abandoned him. Plus we were in playoffs so I couldn't just not show. Then last night he had to work late so I went to get some more cleaning supplies and stuff before I got there to finish up and there was just some scuff marks and floor washing to do. Can I just say that Mr Clean Magic Erasers are phucking BRILLIANT! Seriously, I think whoever has the patent on those little things should get a Nobel prize. It's genius! It saved me a good two hours of cleaning. It did everything! So at about 8:20 or so he calls and asks if I am going to be there for another hour or so and if I am then he will come and help, so I said that I would, cause I was hurting and needed the help (but I didn't tell him that last part). So 9:50 rolls around and he still isn't there and I am finishing up taking the majority of the stuff downstairs to my car and comes sauntering up with slurpees in hand. Well I was under the impression that he said he would be there in the hour, coming directly from work which is only a 25 minute (at the maximum) drive away at that time of night. No I think he actually went home and pissed around before he came to the old apartment. I was pretty ticked because I was waiting for him to get there and help and as you are waiting and it's not happening you naturally become more and more perturbed. So he comes upstairs to get the last 4 things in the apartment to put in the cars. He gets the stereo and some other crap, and I asked him where his slurpee was like 3 times and he didn't answer me. I wanted to carry his slurpee down for him so we didn't have to make another useless trip up there to get a friggin slurpee. And he yells at me "I don't know where I put it and I can't carry it my hands are kinda full. I have had a bad day at work and people have treated me like shit all day, I don't need this!" Well fuck you too! I mean really, I wasn't asking him to carry his own slurpee I just wanted to know where it was so I could get it for him and I figured it was an obvious reason as to why I was asking where it was not telling him not to forget it. Grab a brain now. Then he goes to the elevator with his hands full and doesn't even hold it for me, as I was carrying a box with two slurpees in it and the vacuum cleaner. Thanks so much really. And I am sure he'd have an excuse for that too if I bothered to ask, I just couldn't care less to hear it. I didn't want to hear why he was so late either or why he had a shitty day at work. I was too mad to be compassionate or sympathetic. Besides I had a fabulous day at work. It has a small story to go with the big story so bear with me. On Tuesday I took the day off of work to clean my apartment and get things moving. As we were at the old apartment, the phone rang and it was this place I had applied for a position at in the Canad Inns Corporate office. They needed a corporate receptionist. It sounded pretty interesting as I was talking with the lady about the position. She offered me an interview for Thursday which I happily accepted. So I was feeling pretty good ego wise here. I always think I have a shitty resume when it comes to applying for a job but this is twice in two weeks my resume has impressed someone. So a-woohoo for me. The person on the phone asked me what my salary expectations would be and asked what I was making currently and I told her and she said well they think they would be offering more than that but she wouldn't elaborate as to how much more. So I finished up at like 4:45pm at the apartment because I still had to go home take another shower and feed the cats before volleyball. So me leaving didn't go over too well. Too bad! I finished volleyball pretty early by like 8:30 so I decided to go back to the apartment and help him finish up. Well he had alot done. He cleaned out the fridge and the rest of the smaller rooms and stuff. I was really glad he got that much done. I think we both work better independently from each other. But when you say you are going to help in a certain time frame BE THERE! So back to work Wednesday, and all was copasetic. Did I mention I hate the new extra 10 minute drive to work now!?!?! Anyways, I was at work drinking my coffee and reading the paper and Peter calls me into his office and has someone covering the front desk. I thought oh crap maybe they found out I put my resume out there. So I am super nervous going into this meeting. Well it couldn't have gone any better because I walked out with substantial raise! I am now making a fifth of my old wage more. WOOHOO!!!!!!!! And I thought that the other job probably wasn't going to give me more than that. And now I don't lose my RRSP's or my 5 years. So cool!! I can't wait for this new amount on my cheques. I so need the extra money! I'm tired of this paycheque to paycheque B.S. I am 30 years old almost I should be able to sock away some cash. So this week has been a downer and an upper overall. I couldn't be happier about the work thing because it wasn't the job I didn't like or the people I worked for, it was the money I wasn't getting for the job I was performing. So there we go, I took a blog that could have been totally miserable and made it end on a optimistic note. Wow that's impressive for me. I must say I am sort of shocked I managed that. Maybe I have a whole new leaf turning thing happening. Oh well we'll see..... Stay tuned!



Anonymous said...

Mr Clean Magic magic eraser's kick so much ass, I dont know if you ever saw Amy's art work on her wall, marker, crayon, pencil crayon, and ink, but that is what got it off and 100% in about 20 minutes!!!

J-BOMB! said...

Oh I know. It saved me so much time cleaning that apartment. I think they should make a mop made of that material. I would be so happy then! How sad are our lives?

Jenn said...

Oh you guys.. Mr. Clean rocks!! They totally should make a mop out of that stuff.. god knows i could use it here..